Community Partners » Beyond the Bell

Beyond the Bell

"Ready-Set-Go!” has been developed to meet the academic and supervision needs of many elementary children during the critical period before school begins. Long commutes, early morning scheduled work hours, and continuing education commitments, all impact the ability of parents and guardians to provide adequate supervision for their children. As a result, starting the school day becomes an anxiety-ridden and hectic event for young children. “Ready-Set-Go!” endeavors to provide a safe environment, ensure children are ready for the school day, engage them in meaningful and fun learning activities, and involve them in some light recreational games and activities, all at no cost to families. A Ready-Set-Go! trained employee is assigned for each 20 students participating. Parents and guardians can bring their children each morning as early as 90 minutes prior to the instructional day and personally sign-in their children at the registration area *. Parents/guardians must sign an enrollment form to have their child(ren) participate in the program.

Beginning at 6:30 am, 90 minutes before the school instructional day starts, “Ready-Set-Go!” students follow the schedule below:

R E A D Y...

(first 30 minutes)

S E T...

(middle 30 minutes)

G O...

(last 30 minutes)

  • Sign-in
  • Get students READY for school
  • Check Homework
  • Engage in Independent Learning Activities (silent reading, journal writing)
  • Read Aloud
  • SET the Purpose for Learning with Group Learning Games & Enrichment Activities
  • Involve Students in Interesting Learning Concepts with a Focus on Literacy, Math & Science.
  • Learn about Health & Nutrition
  • Take Part in Group and Individual Recreational Activities
  • GO to Class

* Parents/Guardians may designate a pre-authorized list of adults, 18 years of age or older, to sign-in their child(ren).

Youth Development Program

Youth Development Program provides a unique, wholesome experience for students in TK/K through Third Grade. YDP is a non permissive program and requires an adult to sign students out of the program. The program requires an application and has a limited enrollment. This exciting after school enrichment program in a safe, well-supervised environment that engages and encourages students to achieve their greatest potential.The Youth Development Program features the following three major components on a daily basis: academic assistance, recreation and enrichment. The program begins immediately after school and concludes promptly at 6:00 pm.

The Youth Development Program features the following three major components on a daily basis:


In support of the LAUSD Superintendent’s goals, trained personnel provide participants with academic assistance that span the curriculum. Daily lessons that engage children in activities that support academic achievement beyond the regular school day are planned, and educational support materials that are age-appropriate and designed to enhance student learning are provided at each Youth Development Program site. Library books, recreational reading materials, literacy kits, and other materials are provided to enhance student performance in reading, math, science, and social studies.


Daily recreation instruction and activities that engage students and reinforce the Physical Education curriculum are provided. Multicultural activities, rhythmic activities, team activities, skill games, cooperative games, and quiet games are provided on a daily basis. Successful participation in these activities promote the development of a positive self-image, physical fitness, body awareness, sportsmanship, leadership skills, team work, character building, cooperative social skills, and a desire to make recreation an integral and important part of their daily lives.


Planned enrichment activities are the centerpiece of the Youth Development Program. Students eagerly participate in these very special enrichment activities conducted by traveling enrichment programs staff or site personnel 40 minutes daily. These special and unique programs stimulate students to explore new horizons, expand creativity, experience different cultures, broaden their base of knowledge, and increase their repertoire of learned skills.

Youth Services Program

Youth Services program is a permissive after school program for fourth and fifth grade students. Students sign-in and leave the program by their own volition. It is our firm belief that very child has a need and right to participate, in the presence of a responsible, caring adult, in engaging activities that support achievement and promote social, emotional , and physical development beyond the regular school day. Since the early 1900’s, Youth Services has provided a safe place for students during the critical hours after school at no cost to families. Scholars are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and may lose the opportunity to participate if their behavior is disruptive. Staff is trained in restorative justice techniques to assist students in resolving conflicts and to provide students strategies they can use to foster positive peer relationships.

The goals of the program are to provide wholesome, supervised enrichment, fitness, and other sport activities in safe neighborhood environments. The program emphasizes physical fitness that develops basic movement skills, strong and healthy bodies, teamwork, sportsmanship, cooperative social skills and activities that reinforce the skills learned in the regular instructional program. The tenets and teaching model of the national CHARACTER COUNTS program is implemented to instill and reinforce the back-to-basics effort to build good character in our youth. Additionally, the Youth Services program provides nutrition, fitness and enrichment activities that best meet the needs of the participants including targeted populations of foster youth, low income and English learners. The organized activities promote good-health and self-esteem. Importance is placed on teaching youth to make informed decisions on healthy food options and to engage in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity. Students are provided a designated area and time to work on their homework.
The Youth Services After School Program operates on school days from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Parents and guardians must arrange ahead of time for how their child will be reunited with them at the conclusion of the program. Any child not picked-up or allowed to walk home on their own prior to the conclusion of the program is considered “unattended” and supervising personnel will begin “late child” procedures. If attempts to reunite the child with an authorized adult fail, supervising personnel will contact the Local Law Enforcement Agency for assistance and to take custody of the child. Failure to consistently arrange for appropriate supervision of your child by the conclusion of the program will result in the student losing the privilege of participating in the program.

In order for a student to be approved to participate, the “Before and After-School Program Application/Agreement” must be completed and returned to the Beyond the Bell – Youth Services staff member on site.For emergency purposes, parents/guardians are required to complete and maintain up-to-date telephone numbers and contact information.

The daily program may include various sport and game activities, including:
  • Basketball
  • Kickball
  • Softball
  • Soccer
  • Handball
  • Flag Football
  • Volleyball
  • Table Games
  • Board Games
  • Intramural Tournaments
  • Drill Team
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Homework time
The Youth Services staff is committed to making a difference in the lives of young people by using sports as a vehicle and to focus on building the six pillars of character:
  • Trustworthiness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Fairness
  • Caring
  • Citizenship