107TH Goal
All students to maintain a “Excellent” attendance rate of 96% or higher throughout the entire school year.
This means students should not have:
- More than one absence for every five weeks (25 instructional days) of school.
- More than Seven Total absences in the school year.
According to the California Education Code 48205, students may be excused from school when an absence(s) is due to:
- Illness or injury of pupil
- Quarantine
- Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services
- Mental or behavioral health (absence for the benefit of the pupil’s mental or behavioral health)
- Attending the funeral of an immediate family member (may include any family member residing with the student)
- one day within the state
- three days outside the state
- Illness or medical treatment of a child of whom the student is the custodial parent (no doctor’s note required for illness of child)
- Justifiable personal reasons require the Administrator Approval of Student Absence form